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Ask Us? or Tell Us!

Do you have a business question for us? Ask Us & we'll give you an answer live on air. Do you want to share a great or maybe even a bad experience you had with a business? Tell Us & we'll share on air how the business exhibited "Best Business Practices" or how the business could have managed the situation better. We'll keep all personal information & identifier information confidential for both the business and customer, unless you explicitly check "Feel free to share identifier information". 

Biz Bytes airs biweekly on Wednesdays at 5:00pm & Saturdays at 3:30pm on 91.9 WDSV in the Mississippi Delta. Tune in to hear us discuss your "Ask Us or Tell Us" on air. 

Thanks for submitting your "Ask Us or Tell Us"!

Listen to previous Biz Bytes shows below:

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